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File Size Limits

While the add-on does not add any limitations for the size of the file that is being uploaded, upload limits of the webserver still apply!

How to fix this?

Increase the file upload size by adjusting upload_max_filesize & post_max_size inside of your php.ini file.


Locate the nginx configuration for lethal.landing in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, then add and adjust client_max_body_size 100M; to the server block, change 100M to your desired size limit. Changes to a nginx server configuration require a restart of nginx, do this by issuing sudo service nginx restart.


For apache locate the .htaccess file inside /lethal.landing/public/, then add and adjust LimitRequestBody 5242880. Restart Apache by issuing sudo service apache2 restart.

Shared Hosting

Depending on your hosts setting you will be able to change it yourself otherwise you will need to contact them. Below is an example for Plesk Onyx find below setting in Website & Domains > PHP Settings, then change it to your desired size limit. Plesk Limits