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Add-on: Store


Take donations, sell vip kits, command access, access to roles and more directly on-site! Store adds a Credits based store to lethal.landing. Users will be able to purchase credits via PayPal and/or Stripe, in return they can spend credits on packages you've added to the store.

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Why the credits? Why not purchasing with money directly?

The reasons behind credits are quite simple:

  • Credits are an easy way to make more use of the store, the addon adds API routes to add and remove credits from a users account. What does that mean? Think about rewarding players for participating in events, raffles, giveaways... You can make a Discord bot which could reward a certain player for something.

  • Gifts! Be nice and send some gifts!

  • Cash... let me explain: A user needs to purchase a minimum of 250 credits and then buys a package for 150 credits, this means the users credit balance is now 100. Now, the cheapest package you offer is 150 credits, the user can now abandon those 100 leftover credits OR purchase more credits. Having credits, in my opinion, 'forces' users to buy more unless they don't care to 'waste' the leftovers.

  • Allow a method for users that are not interested in donation at first by rewarding them with small amounts of credits, you could now continue with the cash part above or just prevent a pay2win business by giving the option to earn credits for free.

Payment Fees & Gateways

Unlike other 'hosted & managed' stores like, there are no limits or additional transaction fees other than the ones applied by the payment gateways. There are currently 2 payment gateways available:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal

Both are not limited to CreditCard payments, they support whatever you accept. Stripe for example accepts ApplePay & GooglePay, ApplePay required additional actions on Stripes website tho! BitPay is not yet available but will be added if people really need it.

Supported Games

The Store add API routes to allow servers to query for pending commands, this means in theory there are no limits to which games are supported. Out of the box packages can either use SteamIDs or Minecraft UUIDs to uniquely identify a user. In oder for a gameserver to query queued commands, you'll need to add a plugin to the server. The server would then check if the store has commands queued for the user. An example for RUST can be found in #download on the >$./ Discord server, the setup is explained here: umod/oxide Plugin.


For installation instructions refer to the default instructions here: Installing/Updating

Before you Buy

As of the 14th Jan 2022 this is still in early development but has been tested successfully.

Important - NO Subscriptions

If you search for a subscription based store this might not be the right thing for you, once a package expires, users will need to purchase one again. There's currently nothing planned to change this behaviour. Sorry...