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Adding Packages

Adding Packages

Add packages that users spend their credits on, add commands that can be executed on the server to grant roles, commands and more.

Start by adding your first package

Configure the package to your needs

Most of the settings displayed should be self-explanatory.

  • If COMMAND USER IDENTIFIERis set to Minecraft the user will be asked for his Minecraft UUID upon purchase.
  • Grand & Expiry Commands uses {uuid} to insert a users SteamID/MinecraftUUID in a command; an example is given.

About the ROLE setting

The role will be added to the users role array in the users database entry, and has no use currently. It is planned to make the ROLE array accessible via the API. If you want to grant Discord roles find a plugin that can map and sync in-game roles to Discord or wait for the API and a bot. (14th Jan 2022)


If you add commands, they're usually executed in the servers console, however, there are plugins that add commands that are only executable by a player. You'll eventually need a workaround for this.