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umod/oxide Plugin

umod/oxide Plugin

The example umod/oxide plugin will check if a player has pending commands from a package purchase and if so, executes them.

You can find the latest version of the example plugin in #download on the >$./ Discord server.

  • Upload llStore.cs to your servers /oxide/plugins folder.
  • Then locate the llStore.json configuration file in /oxide/config.

Config llStore.json

Add the URL of you lethal.landing installation in Host, you can find the Token for the server you're adding llStore to in the Configure Servers settings.

If a user is already connected to the server while purchasing a package they might use /redeem to manually check for pending commands on his account without the need to reconnect to the server, if not it will be checked on each connect/join if a user has purchased anything.

  "ChatPrefix": "<color=#5e5e5e>ll</color>Store",
  "Host": "",
  "Token": "Not Store API Token! It's the servers API Token!",
  "EnableLogging": true