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Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting

It is totally possible to install lethal.landing utilizing cheap shared hosting. The following example for Plesk Onyx explains the basic steps required(cPanel is probably different).

Start by logging into your Plesk panel, then go to Files. Drag the ZIP archive inside its file browser and extract it as shown in the image below. Extracting the ZIP archive.

Locate the example_data folder & example-config.php file and rename them to data & config.php respectively. Rename default data Rename default config

Edit the config.php to your liking, add as many Steam IDs for admins as you need. You can get an API token here: Steam Developers Edit config

As shown below change folder permissions according to the main Installation Instructions, check Set permission recursively before saving! Setting the websites root document.

This step is important, go to Websites & Domains, locate Hosting & DNS > Hosting Settings. Change Document root to public... Setting the websites root document.

Help! Document root is not editable!

If your host disabled that option, you can work around this by going back to Files and removing the httpdocs folder, then rename the public folder to httpdocs. However you may need to edit add-ons if they expect the public folder to be present; an example is FileStorage, it will always upload to /lethal.landing/public/u/ as it is the only publicly availave place.