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Upgrading from Version 1.1.2

Upgrading from Version 1.1.2

Releases after V1.0 had a major change on how data is saved to make updates a lot easier in the future. If you're still running lethal.landing < V1.1.2 then you have 2 options available:

1. Install a newer release and add all your settings from scratch(recommended).

2. Move the existing data to the new location.

  • Move the data folder inside of /var/www/lethal.landing/resources to /var/www/lethal.landing/
  • For each existing plugin rename the folder /var/www/lethal.landing/plugin/*pluginname*/data to *pluginname* then move it into /var/www/lethal.landing/data
  • Set permissions according to the Update Instructions.

Option 1 is recommended!

While it's possible to get your old data in a new version it is recommended to just adjust all settings to your existing configuration to prevent any issues. Again it's possible but not recommended!